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Evolve U Academy

Experience interactive, intentional, and thought-provoking online sessions to broaden your knowledge of credit unions and go from "Employee" to "Leader"


Only 30 seats available per Academy. Hosted Virtually through Zoom meetings.

July 9 - September 24

Weekly Meetings on Tuesdays

2:00 p.m. CST - 3:30 CST

Registration closes July 1st

3 Key Questions You'll Be Able to Answer

(1) What Makes Your CU Tick?

Topics Include: CU History, Current Trends, Risk

(2) What Drives My CU Strategy?

Topics Include: Understanding Financials, Lending, Operational Strategies

(3) How Can I Advance My CU?

Topics Include: Lead from Any Level, Community Engagement

3 Key Questions You'll Be Able to Answer

(1) What Makes Your CU Tick?

Topics Include: CU History, Current Trends, Risk

(2) What Drives My CU Strategy?

Topics Include: Understanding Financials, Lending, Operational Strategies

(3) How Can I Advance My CU?

Topics Include: Lead from Any Level, Community Engagement

Benefits of Evolve U Academy

Engage with Credit Union Experts

You will engage in thought-provoking conversations with industry experts on topics like: Lending, Branch Strategies, Investments, Asset-Liability Management, and much more!


Grow Your Knowledge Base

Contribute ideas beyond your job description by expanding your knowledge to include ALL areas of the credit union and what truly makes it run beyond your day-to-day duties.​

Have a Seat at the Table

Being able to answer those 3 key questions, you'll be able to contribute to meaningful conversations with your credit union's leaders on evolving your strategies to elevate your credit union.​

Evolve U Outline

Stages 1 - 3: The Foundation

The first three stages will lay the foundation for the Academy as we set program expectations, examine the history of credit unions, explore current industry hot topics, and dive deep into financials to understand the metrics you need to know to measure the health of your institution. We will also be able to compare credit unions by introducing you to the NCUA Call Reports.


Topics Include

​CU History



Financials and NCUA Call Reports

Stages 4 - 7: The Mutation

The next four stages will take you through the guts of credit union operations by evaluating different branch operation strategies, how to effectively lend to a diverse group of members, why leadership and training is so important to a successful credit union, and examine the compliance risks and pitfalls our industry faces.


Topics Include

​Branch Operations

Leading at All Levels

Consumer, Real Estate, and Business Lending

Compliance and Project Management

Stages 8 - 10: The Evolution

The last of the stages will wrap up the Academy by truly digging into making evolutionary strategies at your credit union by discussing examples of how deep community engagement and business development can elevate a credit union, how making our money work through investments can generate additional capital, and we will wrap it up with a group project that consists of developing and argument for (or against) a hot topic discussed in the Academy.


Topics Include

​Marketing and Business Development

Investments and Asset Liability Management

Community Engagement

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